Please complete and submit this form. We'll check room availability and come back to you to confirm your booking.

Your Details

Your Details

(Please let reception know when you arrive)

Date and Time of Booking Required

Please note that timings must include set-up and clear down times.

Please select any additional equipment or facilities you require

Wifi is available as standard

Catering Options

Catering Options

Please choose from the items on the attached catering menu and write your choices in the box below

*Lunch catering is unavailable on Mondays unless pre-authorised with our Bookings Administrator

Would you like refreshments or catering?

Please tell us how many you require. This is typically the same as the number of attendees.

If you are having refreshments served more than once during the day, please add that into your numbers

Please note, you can only enter a number in these fields. Please use the 'Other...' field below if you need to add more information

Allergies/Dietary Requirements
Please let us know how many in your group has each allergy/requirement.
If not indicated, we will assume you would like them on arrival
I understand and accept the booking Terms and Conditions
What led you to The Art House today?
You can select more than one option: